Reproducible Quantitative Methods

Lesson 11

Project workshop time/ Open science in the real world

yeah bar

Topics and Resources

  1. More on Citizen science approaches

    Let's build on what we learned last week from Jason Bobe's lecture. His focus is both highly specific to medicine, but also with lots of room for applications to the environmental sciences. Crowdsourcing methods are a great way to bring people in to our research. One of the best-established citizen science platforms is Zooniverse, where citizen scientists work together with researchers to classify images, historical records, and videos- enabling huge amounts of data to be processed with greater accuracy, and in a fraction of the time of conventional methods. Let's watch watch this video to get the discussion going:


  1. Project workshop time
  2. As usual, we will spend Wenesday Seminar as a supported work period.


No discussion this week

No discussion this week- use this time to really build momentum on the project ahead of the last few weeks of classes.

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