Reproducible Quantitative Methods

Lesson 12

Project workshop time / Scientific collaboration

yeah bar

Topics and Resources

  1. Open source beehives

    We're in the home stretch, and I want to spend the majority of the time we have left together co-working on our projects to get as much done as we can before the semester's done. However, we've still got a bit to unpack about our recent guest speakers, and a few other aspects of open, technologically enabled science.
    To keep your minds buzzing, though (see what I did there?) check out this article, and accompanying video, about open source beehives.

  2. Supported work period

    Continue working on the projects. Suggestions for tasks include preparing figures, captioning figures, wrapping up analyses, writing interpretations of your statistics.


    A helpful hint from those that came before

    Choose your own adventure You will probably generate more figures than you’ll want for the final paper. A good way to decide which ones to use is print them all out, then arrange them in an order that makes sense- so your manuscript tells a story about how you approached the data, and discard the redundant ones, or relegate them to a supplemental information file. Having the tactile-ness of printed figures encourages you to experiment with a few different ways to order the story.


  1. Revisit the list of github issues in project repo for tasks needing completion
  2. Make this a comprehensive list- everything from writing the abstract to inserting the references. Assign specific collegues to tasks. Assess progress towards your goals.


Check up on the collaborative process

An informal discussion that doubles as a chance to flesh out where the project is going. How is the collaborative process working? Do we need to make adjustments to get the project done? Use our answers to these questions to help populate/adjust the github issue list.

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